Have you ever questioned why it is some people seem to have everything they could wish for: health, wealth, love and happiness, but others never seem to lack all these things? Why is it a small minority manage to achieve greatness, but the vast majority fail to reach beyond mediocrity? What are this small minority doing differently to everyone else? It can’t just be down to circumstance, billionaires rise out of poverty. Those questions have been in my head my whole life and a couple of years ago I decided to stop wondering and start searching for the answers so that I could help more people achieve greatness in their own lives. Join me and follow along as I uncover the secrets of the minority that the majority aren’t taught so that you can apply them to your own life, to achieve your own greatness and live the life you want and deserve. My name is David Bell, and welcome to Pocket Mastermind

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
A Beginners Guide to Successful Investing with Neil Doig (#070)
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
The key to wealth creation and financial freedom lies not so much in how much money you earn, rather what you do with the money you earn.
Sadly, this important lesson is not taught in schools leading so many people to live their lives pay cheque to pay cheque, trapped in unfulfilling jobs, laden with debt.
But it doesn't have to be this way. By learning to invest, even seemingly small amounts to begin with, can - and will - have a dramatic impact on your financial future.
So, if you're sick of not making any progress financially, listen up!
In this episode, I talk to Neil Doig about how to get started investing and some of the key concepts you need to consider and understand.
If you'd like to learn more, head over to Neil's website, www.moneytipps.co.uk
Your financial future rests on the decisions you make today.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
From Zero to Millions with Jan Cavelle (#069)
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
The entrepreneurial journey is rarely a straight-forward easy one. Often it will take many twists and turns, and throw up all kinds of challenges and surprises.
But isn't that what life is all about?
Surely, taking a business from zero to millions is more exciting than just doing a job!
Some people may be put off by the risk, but the truth is that the greatest risk of all, is taking no risk.
The safe option is actually rarely safe.
In this episode I spoke with Jan Cavelle about her entrepreneurial journey and the challenges she faced.
Jan is an entrepreneur from the UK who has a few decades of running micro and small businesses behind her. She is passionate about supporting people to start and grow businesses.
She is very familiar with all the challenges that go with that, having started one from the kitchen table when her children were small, and she was a single mother, to go on to build that into a multi-million turnover business.
Jan has put her entrepreneurial experiences together with her passion for writing together a book aimed at helping entrepreneurs to grow their businesses during the big leap of £1-£10m.
The book is called Scale For Success, and it is being published by Bloomsbury. The UK publishing date is 4th February 2021, but she continues to encourage start-ups as well as scale ups.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Being an entrepreneurship may sound attractive, but it isn't easy.
Many people go in it with dreams of great success and freedom, but it doesn't always work out as they hoped.
There is no straight line to success. And as Richard Lau says in this episode, it's not a matter of if, but when, life will punch you in the face. What makes the difference is how you respond to those punches when they come.
Being a serial entrepreneur, Richard has had to take his fair share of punches. Some people may have given up, but Richard saw each know down as an opportunity start over using the lessons he's learnt from the challenges he faced.
Now the founder of logo.com, 20 years ago at just 30 years old, Richard had the month from hell. As a result of a hack on his business which wiped his customer records, and a dramatic move by a competitor, Richard was put back to square one financially and if that wasn't bad enough, a diagnosis of colon cancer that doctors believed was terminal followed it up.
Thankfully, Richard survived to tell the story, and you can listen to it here.

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Using Hypnosis to Overcome Fears and Limitations with Doug Sands (#067)
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
When you hear the word hypnosis, what's the first thought that comes to mind?
If you're like me, it may be memories of audience members of Saturday night TV shows running around the stage and clucking like chickens.
But there is far more to hypnosis than making a few willing volunteers look silly on TV.
In this episode I explore how hypnosis can be used as a powerful process to help us overcome our deepest fears and limitations, and free us to pursue and achieve our dreams.
If something is holding you back, perhaps hypnosis could hold the answer to setting you free!
Doug Sands is a hypnotist who works with mental illness. He runs Anywhere Hypnosis, an online hypnosis practice that helps clients worldwide work through anxiety, depression, and more.
Doug is also the host of the Making Meaning podcast, where he interviews top adventurers about the struggles they've overcome to build their ideal life.
Learn more at https://pocketmastermind.com

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
In this episode, Jaryd Krause returns to discuss some of the things we've learnt over the years that have helped us live happier, more fulfilling lives.
Are you feeling a bit stuck in your life at the moment? Many people are as a result of the global situation.
There has never been a better time to take stock of what you really want and go after it.
Often we have self-imposed limitations that hold us back. The good news is that we can learn to overcome them.
And in this conversation Jaryd and I discuss some useful lessons we've learnt that may help you too.
Please remember to subscribe, like and share!
Find out more at https://pocketmastermind.com

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Social Entrepreneurship, the Future of Capitalism with Tony Loyd (#065)
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Are making money and doing good mutually exclusive?
I don't believe so, and neither does my guest on this episode, Tony Loyd.
Could the future of capitalism be social entrepreneurialism and social enterprise? A new model where the benefits of free enterprise meet the world of doing good?
Not for profit organisations certainly have their place when it comes to short-term solutions to issues, but their long-term effectiveness relies on continuous fund-raising.
Social enterprise on the other hand, can have a positive impact in the way it sources, produces and sells its products or services from the materials it uses, the waste it creates and the way it treats people.
Following a period of feeling unfulfilled, Tony left his high-flying corporate position with zero notice to pursue a life of purpose and meaning.
That decision has led him to help many people pursue their dreams, speak on the TEDx stage and host a top podcast.
If you want to pursue a life of more meaning, fulfilment and impact, this is a great place to start.
Find out more at https://pocketmastermind.com

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Imposter Syndrome is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. It can prevent us from pursuing our dreams by preventing us from putting ourselves out there. It can creep up on us when we take a promotion. It can even appear in our personal lives.
We seem to fall into the trap of thinking everyone else has everything figured out, and we somehow don't know what we're doing, or we don't know enough to be doing what we're doing.
The funny thing is that many of us are all feeling this at the same time, so we're definitely not alone.
The best way to break through this fear is to take action.
In this episode, I speak with David Alto who went from job-seeker to coach and LinkedIn expert which required him to face his own Imposter Syndrome head on.
David now helps job-seekers beat the bots, master LinkedIn and land their dream job.
You can find out more at https://pocketmastermind.com

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Four Steps to Effective Copywriting with Rachel Allen (#063)
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
You may have a great product or service, but if you're unable to communicate it effectively to your audience or ideal customer, you're not going to see the results you deserve.
The bridge between what is in your head and your audience is copywriting. And in the episode I talk with expert copywriter, Rachel Allen about how to avoid common mistakes and the four steps to effective copywriting.
We also discuss her somewhat accidental path to entrepreneurialism after pursuing the traditional employee path. Rachel had to learn how to step away from what society told her she should be doing (standard 9-5 job) and what she actually wanted to do. (Run her own businesses and travel all over the world.)
Not only is Rachel an expert copywriter, she's also a great guest. We had a lot of fun recording this conversation, and I'm sure you will enjoy listening.
Rachel Allen is the owner of Bolt from the Blue Copywriting and Noun Meet Verb, a ghostwriting agency for thought-leaders-in-waiting.
Through her work in industries from accounting to astrology, she’s helped people all over the world use their words to generate massive impact, influence, and income. Ultimately, all her work is in service of one simple mission: to build the words that bring great ideas into reality, so they can have a tangible impact and move the global conversation forward.
Find out more at https://pocketmastermind.com

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Simple Passive Cashflow Real Estate Investment Strategy with Lane Kawaoka (#062)
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Financial freedom is when you stop trading your time for money. Passive income is the secret to achieving that goal.
But how do you go about creating passive income? Investing.
There are many investment strategies that can get you to your goal, and real estate is certainly one of the best.
In this episode I spoke with Lane Kawaoka about is journey from Civil Engineer to financial freedom.
Lane describes himself as the Real Estate Anti-Guru! Today he own 3,200 units, is a writer for Forbes, has a Top-50 investing podcast, and is a Amazon Best-Seller
Lane Kawaoka invests passively in Real Estate from Honolulu, Hawaii. He used to be in a "big bad" private company as a construction engineer but after some saving and investing he found happiness and balance at a lower paying job. Lane journals my experiences in "Simple Passive Cashflow" podcast that is available on iTunes & Google Play. His parents got screwed with the 401K and stock market, and it's now his mission to get everyone out the corrupt Wall Street roller coaster and into Main Street invests with safer, higher returns that benefit the middle class of America.
Learn more at https://pocketmastermind.com

Monday Feb 15, 2021
How to Build Wealth with Real Estate Investing with Gabe Petersen (#061)
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Real estate investing is one of the best ways for building wealth. Many of the world's wealthiest people built their fortunes through real estate.
But what if you're new? Where do you start? And how do you avoid the sharks and common mistake many newbies make?
If you're interested in getting started with real estate investing but not sure where to start, this episode is for you.
Gabe Petersen shares his journey into real estate investing and provides so top tips for anyone looking to get started.
Gabe Petersen is a real estate entrepreneur focused on long term residential rentals and mobile home parks, as well as a podcaster at The Real Estate Investing Club and Pursuing Greatness.