Have you ever questioned why it is some people seem to have everything they could wish for: health, wealth, love and happiness, but others never seem to lack all these things? Why is it a small minority manage to achieve greatness, but the vast majority fail to reach beyond mediocrity? What are this small minority doing differently to everyone else? It can’t just be down to circumstance, billionaires rise out of poverty. Those questions have been in my head my whole life and a couple of years ago I decided to stop wondering and start searching for the answers so that I could help more people achieve greatness in their own lives. Join me and follow along as I uncover the secrets of the minority that the majority aren’t taught so that you can apply them to your own life, to achieve your own greatness and live the life you want and deserve. My name is David Bell, and welcome to Pocket Mastermind

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Karl Lillrud on Overcoming the Impossible (#031)
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
"Everything seems impossible until it's done".
How often have you wanted to do something but felt there was no way you could achieve it?
Do you live with a regret or frustration for giving it a go?
On this episode, Karl Lillrud returns to share how anyone can overcome even the seemingly impossible to achieve their dreams.
If there is something you want to achieve but the task seems to daunting, this is the episode for you.
Karl explains how to break down the seemingly impossible and develop a mindset that will help you break through boundaries.
Learn more about Karl at https://karllillrud.com
Visit hpps://pocketmastermind.com for more episodes.

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Wendi Freeman on How to Make Your Event Amazing (#030)
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
So you want to hold an event for your business to attract new customers.
Where do you start?
We've all been to dull, boring events (even if we'd rather forget them). And we've all been to high energy, engaging events that we've talked about afterwards.
But what makes the difference?
With in-person events pretty much out of the question in many parts of the world right now, online events have become the next big thing.
But how do you create an engaging online event, and how do you get people to come along.
Wendi Freeman has more that 15 years experience in the events sector and she joined me on this episode to share some of her insight that could help you avoid the pitfalls and create an engaging event.
If you want to find out more, you can reach Wendi at Be Bright Events.
Head over to Pocket Mastermind for more episodes and create content to help you success in building your dream life.
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Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Jonathan Miller on Mindful Communication (#029)
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Want to be more effective?
Everything we do is based on the quality of our relationships; whether they are at home, at work or even simply in passing.
So, how we communicate is possibly one of the biggest keys to personal success.
The issue is that we're generally not taught how to communicate effectively. The result is a poor experience for all involved at best. At worst, we end up in fights and wars.
It doesn't have to be that way. Jonathan Miller explains how we can learn to communicate more mindfully which will result in more positive, more effective interactions.
If you want to achieve your full potential, you have to master the art of effective mindful communication.
Find out more about Jonathan at Mindful Communications
Head to Pocket Mastermind for more episodes.
Build better websites and funnels with GroveFunnels https://groovepages.groovesell.com/a/Wm7bnNvaG1lh

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Karen Stephen on Switching Corporate Life for Digital Nomadism (#028)
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
If you could work from anywhere in the world, where would it be?
How does waking up and strolling down to the local coffee shop or co-working space by the beach sound for a daily commute?
No long the train journeys or sitting in rush-hour traffic to contend with!
Well, my guest on this episode is Karen Stephen who swapped her corporate finance job for a life as a freelance Digital Nomad.
Not only did Karen swap the corporate rat-race to travel the world, she now has a portfolio career providing services as a remote CFO, writer, and Yoga teacher, which gives her greater flexibility and variety.
If travelling the world while earning an income sounds good to you, Karen shares the steps she took to make the transition and top tips for anyone thinking of taking a similar path.

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Sheryl Puterman on Surviving the Asian Tsunami and Holistic Wellbeing (#027)
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Could there be anything more terrifying than facing a tsunami?
On Christmas Day 2004, Sheryl Puterman and her family arrived in the paradise of Thailand. The next day they went to the pool to relax. But the peace didn't last long.
Through her company, Wourishment Vitality, Sheryl now helps people to create lasting positive change in their lives through a holistic approach that addresses the causes of stress and fatigue along with developing healthy nutritional practices.
Listen to Sheryl's extrodinary story of that terrifying day, and her practical steps to creating greater calm in your life.
You can find out more on Sheryl's website here.
Remember to follow and share.
Head over to Pocket Mastermind for more episodes and content.

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Jason Cutter on Selling with Authentic Persuasion (#026)
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Are great salespeople born?
Or is it a skill that can be learned?
The truth is many people fall into sales. So, if that is you, how can you develop the skill of selling and unlock your potential?
In this episode of the Pocket Mastermind Podcast, Jason Cutter tells the story of how he went from the shy kid marine biologist to sales master.
Listen to how Jason progressed through various sales roles that helped him develop the skills that he now teaches.
Jason’s new book Selling with Authentic Persuasion: Transform from Order Taker to Quota Breaker is out August 31 2020.
Selling with Authentic Persuasion will remove all the stress and anxiety you feel about selling so you can focus on what’s important – your customers and their needs.
Jason Cutter will reveal how being honest with customers, overcoming our misconceptions about sales, and winning customers’ trust will not only lead to happy and repeat customers but transform you from Order Taker to Quota Breaker.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Sean Sheppard on the Formula for Start-Up Success (#025)
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Ever wondered why one start up fails but another succeeds?
What is the formular for success?
In this episode of the Pocket Mastermind Podcast, Silicon Valley veteran Sean Sheppard shares his experience and advice from years in the start up world on some of the fundemental rules that can increase your chances of success.
Sean is a serial entrepreneur who has successfully grown dozens of early-stage companies across a wide variety of products and markets and Founding Partner, GrowthX and Co-Founder, GrowthX Academy

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Dustin Miller on Self Education and Creating 107 Pieces of Content a Day (#024)
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Do you have multiple interests or skills?
Do people call you a 'Jack of all Trades'? Perhaps you're actually and natural polymath?
Some of the greatest minds had multiple careers such as Leonardo da Vinci. Not bad company to be in.
Dustin Miller talks about how the edudacion system isn't equipped to support the polymath so he's taken to persuing a like of never-ending self-education to develop the skills and knowledge that provides him with the fulfilment he wants.
Find out more about Dustin at https://polyinnovator.space/
Join the mailing list to be sure to never miss an episode at https://pocketmastermind.com

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
How fulfilled do you feel right now? Do you feel challenged?
If you're honest, are you a bit too comfortable?
Want to know a secret? Fulfilment lies in growth. And if you're not stepping out of your comfort zone, you're not growing.
It's time to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Do that thing you want to do. Don't spend your life wishing you had pushed yourself.
On this episode of the Pocket Mastermind podcast Nate Peo shares his own experiences with stepping into the uncomfortable and how building a strong network will accelerate you forward on your journey toward your goals.
Don't let opportunity pass you by. Go out and chase your dreams!
You can find Nate at https://natepeo.com/
Remember to head over to https://pocketmastermind.com/ and check out all the other episodes.
Please follow, like and share. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Peter Kozodoy on How to Leverage Brutal Honesty to Achieve Massive Success (#022)
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
How honest are you, really? That question itself is a good test!
What impact does dishonesty have on your life, your business or on those around you? Even if well-meaning, are little-white-lies really helpful?
If we want to address the real cause of what holds us back we have to be prepared to get brutally honest. But how?
In this episode of the Pocket Mastermind podcast, Peter Kozodoy explains why honesty is the foundation of both personal and business success and how you can use it to achieve massive success personally and in your business.
Peter dispels the myth that brutal honesty means being rude and aggressive. Instead, by dealing in facts we can take the emotion out of a situation and get to the root cause quickly.
Peter's new book Honest to Greatness is out now and availble from all good book stores. Find out more at https://honesttogreatness.com
Checkout all other Pocket Mastermind episodes at https://pocketmastermind.com